April 2022

I am sorry that there has been a gap with ‘Thoughts’, the last couple of months have been hectic and unfortunately this became a casualty! We shall now be back on track for monthly updates and ponderings. This month I think is a bit of an information drop though!
The team are still searching for additional team members, we have been one short since Heidi’s departure. We have jiggled the hours about so we are now looking for two part time members of the team, so if you do have anyone in mind that may like to get involved with the Ark, please do let us know!
A massive chunk of our most recent time has been spent organising the annual Easter trail, which saw its revival this year after the last two years of Covid restrictions. It really was such a joy to work with the groups again from schools, colleges, and youth organisations. The response to the request to decorate this year’s animal, the meerkat, was phenomenal, with 36 groups taking part. The theme of this year’s trail was the importance of community and as ever the groups have turned out some magnificent art … Read the rest
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